4 Dorm / 2 Bañ
Montgomery, AL 36108
Encuentre Casas hasta un 60% por debajo de su valor
* Cifra aproximada basada en 30 años al 6.84 % de tasa fija y con $ 8,410 (10 %) de pago inicial.
Descripción Detallada: Ver más información
Located in the heart of central Alabama, along the Alabama River, Montgomery (36110) offers a blend of history, charm, and entertainment. As the state capital, the city boasts a rich history, reflected in notable attractions like the Civil Rights Memorial and Rosa Parks Museum. The area's downtown and neighborhoods showcase its small-town charm, despite being a medium-large metropolitan area in the Southeastern United States. Primary industries driving the local economy include government and manufacturing. The community is known for its warm hospitality, making it an ideal place to live and explore. Outdoor enthusiasts can enjoy the abundance of nearby parks and lakes, offering a blend of relaxation and adventure. Montgomery is 90 miles south of Birmingham and 160 miles southwest of Atlanta, Georgia.
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