3 Dorm / 2 Bañ
Jonesville, MI 49250
Encuentre Casas hasta un 60% por debajo de su valor
* Cifra aproximada basada en 30 años al 6.53 % de tasa fija y con $ 8,634 (10 %) de pago inicial.
Descripción Detallada: Ver más información
Litchfield, Michigan, with a population of approximately 1,400 residents, is a charming small town located in the rolling hills and lakes of the Great Lakes region. The area is characterized by a low crime rate and a friendly atmosphere, making it an ideal location for those seeking a tranquil and close-knit community. Positioned in south-central Michigan, Litchfield is situated 30 miles south of Jackson and 60 miles west of Ann Arbor, boasting a mix of manufacturing and agriculture as its primary industries. Litchfield is also recognized as a college town, adding a unique dynamic to the area. Residents of this quaint community appreciate the numerous parks and opportunities to socialize in local restaurants and cafes. Various activities cater to diverse interests, ranging from stargazing in the park on quiet evenings to participating in local sporting events on exciting weekends. Litchfield, MI 49252 is part of western Michigan.
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