3 Dorm / 2 Bañ
Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304
Encuentre Casas hasta un 60% por debajo de su valor
* Cifra aproximada basada en 30 años al 6.53 % de tasa fija y con $ 26,830 (10 %) de pago inicial.
Descripción Detallada: Ver más información
Established in southeast Michigan, Ortonville (48462) is renowned for a well-rounded combination of security, community, and natural beauty. Along the Detroit River, this town boasts a welcoming atmosphere that's exceptional for families. Local amenities include recreational opportunities such as fishing and kayaking on the lake and hiking through nearby woods. Education in Ortonville consists of respectable institutions equipped with dedicated and skilled educators and staff, ultimately providing students with quality education. The town's location is very accessible and advantageous for dining, shopping, entertainment, as well as other local attractions. Located near major industries such as manufacturing and automotive in the Great Lakes region, Ortonville offers a unique combination of rural charm and urban accessibility.
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